Frequently Asked Questions

Q: Where is based and where is your office?

A: is located in Auckland, New Zealand and Karachi, Pakistan which is Google verified. Please check address page for details.

Q: Do you provide Engineering New Zealand (formerly IPENZ) KA02 approved sample only?

A: Yes, One KA02 approved sample can be purchased for US $350. As per my experience, samples do not help you much, my clients usually face difficulty to grasp that what specific information is the assessor looking for. Therefore, I wouldn’t recommend you for the sample but if you are still interested, you can purchase it by clicking on purchase button or contact us at [email protected]


Q: Why is the KA02 sample price higher than others?

A: The price seems high but without checking the quality of the sample, you can’t understand its worth and why others are selling at lesser price because it is self-prepared by them, not the real one while I share the genuine KA02 sample written by our clients.

Click on the link to read reviews about the samples.

Sample Reviews

Q: Can I read your full service reviews?

A: Yes, Off course.

Click on the link to read full service reviews.

Full Service Reviews

Q: Do you also share KA02 Outcomes of Successful Clients?

A: Yes, I do.

Below is the outcomes link.

KA02 Outcomes

Q: I have prepared my KA02 application and want you to review, do you provide KA02 review service?

A: No, the reason for not providing review service is that if you don’t meet the requirement of all (or any specific) element(s) then I will have to provide you feedback with justification that is what specifically required in particular element and falls under Normal or Fast Track of my KA02 service.

Q: What type of KA02 service do you provide?

I provide 2 types of KA02 service. You can find below information regarding both the services.

IPENZKA02.comKA02 Normal TrackKA02 Fast Track
FeeUSD 550/-USD 750/-
Completion Time25-30 Days10-14 Days
Feedback on elements/work episodes24-48 Hours8-14 Hours
Availability over Internet Call/SkypeIntimate at least 6 hours agoIntimate at least 2 hours ago
WhatsApp MessagingAlways AvailableAlways Available

Q: Do you provide consultancy/guidance regarding any specific KA02 element(s) or work episode(s)?

A: Yes, I charge USD 100 per element or work episode. This service includes guidance, review and feedback on that specific element(s) or work episode. If interested, click on purchase button.


Q: I have received positive skills assessment from Engineers Australia, do Engineering New Zealand waive my KA02 requirement?

A: Yes, Engineering New Zealand accepts positive migration skills assessment outcome from Engineers Australia, you just need to submit Qualification Assessment Form (aka KA01) along with CDRs.

Q: Can I lodge my KA02 application for assessment via E-mail or Fax?

A: No. Only Paper based applications with supporting evidences are accepted by Engineering New Zealand.

Q: What is the assessment time for KA02 by Engineering New Zealand?

A: KA02 assessment normally takes 6-8 weeks.

Q: KA02 Fast Track service is too expensive, is there any discount available?

A: No, there is no discount available. I understand your problem because of this overnight increase of cost on your Visa Application as against your expected budget. I’ll definitely help you as much but all this would be my efforts, the final decision would rest upon authorities. You only provide required information and pray that our efforts may not go in vain.

Q: How would I know that I have to apply for KA01 or KA02?

A: If your university is accredited by Washington accord (at the time of your graduation) then you would need KA01 only, if not, then you have to apply for KA02 assessment. For more information, write an email to Engineering New Zealand.

Q: How long preparation of the entire CDR from scratch will take?

A: Normally assistance in the complete CDR preparation takes about 3 weeks.

Q: Under which category I can assess my degree from Engineers Australia?

A: There are four categories under which you can recognize your engineering qualification.

  • Professional Engineer
  • Engineering Technologist
  • Engineering Associate
  • Engineering Manager

If you have four years of bachelor in engineering degree it is recommended to apply for Professional Engineer category;

Q: Can I lodge my CDR application for assessment via E-mail or Fax?

A: No. Paper based applications were accepted until 23rd December 2014. Presently, applications for a standard Migration Skills Assessment needs to be lodged online only through the Engineers Australia’s website.

Q: To get Australian Skilled Migration, Do I need to write Competency Demonstration Report (CDR) or not?

A: To get your Engineering qualification recognized in Australia, you need to assess your qualification/ degree through Engineers Australia.

There are two pathways to assess your qualifications. If your Engineering Qualification is recognized by Washington Accord, Dublin Accord or Sydney Accord, then you do not need to prepare Competency Demonstration Report (CDR). In other case you need to write Competency Demonstration Report (CDR) to assess your Engineering degree and finally to apply for Skilled Migration of Australia.

Q: What the processing time for MSA CDR by Engineers Australia?

A: They offer two types of MSA CDR services.

  • Fast track normally takes 3-6 weeks.
  • Normal track takes 12-16 weeks.

Q: Do you provide Skype session(s) for both KA02 & CDR?

A: No, there is no need of Skype session for CDR. I only provide Skype session(s) for KA02 service.

Q: What if, Skype/Whats App is ban in our country?

A: Don’t worry, there are other means of communication available.

Q: How can I pay the fee to

A: Payments are acceptable through Wire Transfer, VISA and MasterCard cards, American Express, PayPal, JCB, Discover, Diners Club (the “Card Organizations”) and PIN Debit card transactions.

Q: Can I upgrade/downgrade to other services of

A: Yes, you can upgrade the services but cannot downgrade. Please write an email to upgrade the service.

Q: For how long is your service valid?

A: For KA02 Fast/Normal Track and CDR Services (2,3 & 4), my service(s) are valid from the date of purchase till assessment outcome.

If after submission of above application(s), case officer asks for more information/changes then I will guide you accordingly. Therefore, don’t hesitate to contact.

Note: Before submission of application i.e. during preparation of KA02/CDR, if client doesn’t respond within 7 days, the service may void.

Q: Is there any refund policy?

A: There is no refund for CDR services however there is a 40% refund for KA02 Normal/Fast Track process, only if I consider that you are unable to provide write-ups/projects as per Engineering New Zealand requirements.

In case after payment, if client is not interested to proceed further then there will be no refund.

Note: Before purchasing any of services, please do assess your eligibility.