Terms & Conditions

By accessing or using any product or services from www.ipenzka02.com you are automatically agreeing and accepting to the following Terms and Conditions and our Privacy Policy. It is your responsibility to keep checking these Terms and Conditions, as I may update these Terms and Conditions at any time without any prior notice.

A – I only offer advice in the preparation and review of Knowledge Assessment 2 and Competency Demonstration Report and I don’t bear any responsibility if your KA02/CDR will be rejected or if your qualification will not be positively assessed by Institution of Professional Engineers New Zealand /Engineers Australia by using any of our product or service.

B – KA02/CDR preparation is your own work, as I do not prepare KA02/CDR. KA02/CDR examples or samples are available to help customers to develop know how about the KA02/CDR format, as a drafting guideline, and they are generic in nature.

C – KA02/CDR samples should only be used to develop your KA02/CDR without copying any part from sample. KA02/CDR samples are not for resale or to use for qualification assessment.

D – Customers don’t have any right of refund or cancellation of purchased product or service. If such situation will arise, then we will resolve the matter by individually assessing the case.

E – www.ipenzka02.com reserves the right to cease or cancel any order without prior notice or cause and you agree that we will not be liable to you or any third party in doing so.

F – It is customer’s responsibility to respond to our emails timely and if they fail to do so, then delay is most probable and I will not be responsible to deliver the work on time.

G – I reserve the right to cancel or cease the service/ order, if the customer;

  • Will not provide enough information that is required to develop any document about their personal projects or work experience (e.g. Elements 1-8, CEs, SS, CPD, etc.)
  • Will not respond by email within one week
  • Will not be able to pay the full amount of any service/ product purchased